
I had always been interested in purchasing an investment property. I often looked at houses for sale and wondered how to take this big step. In 2015 Marijana helped my dream become a reality. She educated me on how I could use the equity in my current property as a deposit for an investment property. Marijana did all the paperwork and loan applications for me. She was clear and concise about how much I could borrow for a second property.  With Marijana’s assistance, in 2015 I was able to purchase a second property on a single income. Now, almost 7 years on, this property has almost doubled in value. This has given me and my family financial security. I can highly recommend Marijana for any property purchase advice. – Sarah, Melbourne

I have purchased and renovated several properties over the years and have been “courted” by mortgage brokers and banks alike for my business. It wasn’t until things were tougher – after a couple of years of the pandemic and the end of a 25-year marriage – that the differences in their character and professionalism became crystal-clear. When most of them could no longer be bothered to help a now single parent with drastically different borrowing capacity, one – Marijana – stepped up and worked tirelessly to find a suitable loan, enabling me to keep my family home – and a roof over my boys’ heads. I will always be grateful for the compassion and expertise she exhibited during those very trying times. – K, Melbourne